
Third party liability insurance is required to ride with The Fridays


As you'll know from our Membership page, you need to be a member of The Fridays and you need to have third party liability insurance to come along on our group cycle rides, whether it be our flagship Friday Night Ride events or our multi-day tours.


To join our rides, you must have third party liability insurance cover through membership of one of the following cycling organisations:

These three organisations provide third party liability coverage to their members that is roughly equivalent to each other, suitable for social (non-competitive) group rides, and we know what to expect from them in terms of the coverage and claims processes. There are of course other organisations that provide third party cover, but we are not in a position to go through members' policies to see if they have what's needed. So you must have cover through one of the above three organisations please.

First Timers

Our own 'Affiliate Group' insurance through Cycling UK enables us to offer a very limited 'try before you buy' option. You may come along on your first (one, and one only) Fridays ride with no third party insurance cover of your own, and be covered by ours. After that first ride, you must obtain insurance cover of your own by taking out membership with one of the above three cycling organisations.

(You must still pay your £2 Fridays membership fee to join your first ride, regardless of insurance status.)

However, we limit the number of 'try before you buy' riders to 10 on each ride. If all these places are taken when you try to register, you will need arrange your own insurance (as above) before you can ride with us.


Bear in mind that your renewal dates with CUK and The Fridays may be different. Please check and make sure there is no gap, i.e. if your CUK cover has renewed but you have not yet paid your Fridays membership fee. (Those with automatic renewal with both CUK and The Fridays i.e. via PayPal or Standing Order should be okay, as there will be no gap.)

You may not be covered on non-Fridays rides. (This may affect anyone who wishes to have, and may believe they have, coverage for other group rides. Do contact CUK Membership Services or read your policy documents if you're unsure whether the riding you do is covered.)

In practice, CUK is not going to police whether your membership with them and your membership with us are both in force at any given time. But if you try to claim benefits under your CUK Affiliate membership and if we are unable to confirm that you are a current paid up member of The Fridays, then you may be caught out and find you do not have the level of cover you thought you had, or indeed (worst case scenario) any cover at all.

Please note the above does not apply to those with FULL membership of CUK. We still require you to pay your Fridays membership fee, but your CUK membership is separate from that and is not affected if you haven't renewed with us.

Insurance requirements apply to everyone, and are for everyone's benefit. Those congenial companions you chat to all the way to the coast will be taking it for granted that you have the appropriate insurance cover in place. They have done the same for you.

Hopefully you already have the required insurance cover in place. If not or if you're unsure, take a few minutes now to sort it out.

Any questions, do feel free to contact us before you sign up for your next Friday Night Ride. 

Don't leave it too late to ensure you are covered.

Then relax and enjoy the ride.

Please note: Such policies cover you if you cause damage/injury to someone else or their property, whether a fellow rider or member of the public.